Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dog Dreams

I journal in the morning when I first wake up. I sit down with my cup of coffee and commit myself to writing 3 pages hand written. As my mind is still blurry from sleep I always begin with what I dreamed last night. Over the years I've taught myself to remember my dreams and they usually give me some insight into what is going on with my life below the surface. I once read a quote from Jung that made the statement that of all things that your mind could conjure up at night it is usually not a result of random thoughts conjured up by the dinner that I ate the night before. Images and symbols come to be because they represent something my subconscious is processing on a deeper level.

For as many years as I can remember the majority of my dreams are always about traveling. Being on a journey to get some place. I never get there in my dreams. There are always lots of obstacles that I must confront during the journey and I always wake up before I reach my destination. It is these obstacles that give me insight into what I'm worried or angry or upset about. I can't begin to count the number of dreams in which I was renovating or rebuilding the Market House Theatre. Those dreams are pretty obvious. In my dreams I look for meaning and symbols. The more bizarre the symbol the better. I always remember the quote though that "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

As I was sitting reading the script for the Wizard of Oz preparing for auditions the family dog was laying on the carpet next to me by the fire. Goldie was dreaming of something. Chasing an animal or running and leaping. Her little barks and paws moving in her sleep. I wonder if she is dreams of being on a journey. Head hanging out the window of a car. The wind in her face. Her tongue flapping in the breeze. Trying to get someplace but never quite getting there.

I wonder if some nights we could trade dreams. I wouldn't mind chasing squirrels and running through the woods. I'll let her rebuild the theatre while I run and play for a change. Who knows maybe I'll finally reach a destination?